Evolution, Part IV: Ape to Man Evolution

Lucy (australopithecus afarensis)

Lucy (australopithecus afarensis)

Read Part IPart II, Part III

One of the most contentious issues within evolution is the idea that mankind evolved “from monkeys.”  According to evolutionary theory, humans and modern apes evolved from a common ancestor five to ten million years ago.1  This theory is based on genetic similarities between humans and apes, estimates from our “genetic clocks,” and a supposed wealth of fossil evidence that shows a gradual shift in physiology bridging the gap between the two.

It is true that the vast majority of biologists, geneticists, and paleoanthropologists accept “ape to man” evolution.  What you may not know however, is that there is significant debate within the scientific community about how this process could have occurred.  Contrary to popular opinion, the evidence supporting this progression is anything but clear.  The neat, clean diagrams shown in text books and discussed in mainstream media are myths.  Even evolutionary scientists admit this fact: Continue reading