Evolution, Part VI: Even More Challenges for Evolution

Read Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IV, Part V

Irreducible complexity

Another hurdle for evolution is to explain so-called “irreducible complexity.”  The challenge is how evolution, through small, incremental steps can explain complex systems with many intricate, interdependent parts. Continue reading

Evolution, Part III: The Fossil Record

Trilobite - Evolution, Fossil Record

Read Part I, Part II

Next, we turn our attention to the fossil record.  As stated in Part I, the fossil record does illustrate an increase in complexity over time, from single-celled to multi-celled to more complicated life, as evolution predicts.  But does the rest of the fossil record match up with the evolutionary model? Continue reading

Evolution, Part II: What Genetics Really Tells Us

Evolution: What Genetics Really Tells Us

Read Part I here

While the genetic evidence at first seems like one of the strongest arguments in favor of evolution, it’s ultimately the theory’s largest Achilles heel.  Ironically, the more science has learned about DNA and genetics, the more apparent evolution’s challenges have become. Continue reading

Evolution, Part I


Logic & Light has touched on the issue of evolution in several posts.  But since this topic is of such importance, a more in-depth, multi-part analysis is warranted.

Evolution is a pivotal issue for several reasons.  First, it is the very foundation of the naturalistic worldview.  According to Richard Dawkins, Darwin’s philosophy made “it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist1.”  If evolution is not true, naturalism is unquestionably false. Continue reading