The Apostle, Paul, who played a critical role in spreading the Church to the Gentiles during the first century.
The role of faith vs. works in salvation has been the subject of debate and confusion since the beginning of Christianity. Paul clearly states in Ephesians that we “are saved by faith…not by works” while James says that “faith without works is dead.” So which is it? Are we saved by faith, works, or some combination of the two?
The Case for Faith
The Bible is clear that we are saved “by grace through faith” in Christ. But what exactly does that mean? In short, salvation by grace through faith means that we do not earn it through our own actions. It is an unmerited gift from God (i.e. “grace”) given “through faith” in Christ as our personal savior. There are many Bible verses one can cite to explain what “faith in Christ” means, but one of the clearest is Romans 10:9 (“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”) Continue reading