The Virgin Birth: Invented, Copied, or the Real Deal?

As Christmas approaches, Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus.  While Christmas is typically thought of as a time of rejoicing and being with family, there is one aspect of Jesus’ birth that brings ridicule from some.

 “I no more believe that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary than I believe that Krishna was born of the virgin Devaka, Horus was born of the virgin Isis, Mercury was born of the virgin Maia or Romulus was born of the virgin Rhea Sylvia… Christianity insults our intelligence as well as our innate morality by insisting that we believe absurdities that are drawn from the mythology of paganism and barbarism.”1

Christopher Hitchens

The Virgin Birth is an important Christian doctrine.  But is it actually true?  Or did Christians simply borrow it from other, pagan myths and use it as their own?  As we head into the Christmas holiday, let’s take a look and find out. Continue reading

Dawkins’ Delusions: Part IV

dawkins-iiiHere, we conclude our four-part chapter-by-chapter response to Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion.

Links to other installments:  Part I, Part II, Part III

Chapter 8 Summary

Chapter 8 is Dawkins’ argument for why religion is not just something we should dismiss and ignore but rather actively oppose.  Religion is not just wrong, it’s dangerous. Continue reading

Dawkins’ Delusions:  Part III

dawkins-ivHere, we continue with our four-part chapter-by-chapter response to Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion.  This is part III.

Links to other installments:  Part I, Part II, Part IV

Chapter 5 Summary

In chapter 5, Dawkins seeks to answer how “the anti-factual, counter-productive fantasies of religion” could have developed so universally among mankind from a Darwinian, evolutionary perspective.  After discussing a few theories, Dawkins leans toward the idea that religion did not evolve because it was beneficial, but rather as a by-product of some other characteristic that contributed to survival. Continue reading

Dawkins’ Delusions: Part II

dawkins-iiHere, we continue with our four-part chapter-by-chapter response to Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion.  This is part II.

Links to other installments:  Part I, Part III, Part IV

Chapter 3 Summary

The purpose of chapter 3 is to disprove the various arguments in favor of God’s existence.  Dawkins addresses Thomas Aquinas’ five proofs, the ontological argument, and various arguments from beauty, personal experience, scripture, and admired religious scientists, along with Pascal’s Wager, and Bayesian probabilities. Continue reading

Dawkins’ Delusions: Part I

Links to other installments:  Part II, Part III, Part IV

Part 1:  Introduction

dawkins-iRichard Dawkins is perhaps the most well-known of a new generation of activist atheists that includes Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens.  The God Delusion is his attempt to disprove the “God Hypothesis” and he hopes that “religious readers who open it will be atheists when they put it down.”1.

With over 3 million copies sold, The God Delusion is probably one of the most widely read and influential atheist manifestos available.  It’s definitely not a new book.  However, we felt compelled to address it because it has been so widely read and because its arguments, even though they are poorly constructed, continue to influence people. Continue reading

20 Groundbreaking Scientists with Belief in God


Sir Isaac Newton by Godfrey Kneller, 1689

You don’t have to search too hard on the internet to find people parroting the tired old refrain that religion—and in particular, Christianity—is responsible for all sorts of ills.  It’s blamed for everything from bigotry and closed-mindedness to war.

We’ll address the baseless claims above in future articles, but today we want to focus on another claim that gets quite a bit of play: Religion (especially Christianity) has historically stifled scientific advancement and if it weren’t for religion getting in the way, then we’d be out exploring the galaxy by now, cancer would be cured, and so on.

For anyone who’s studied the facts, the claim above displays a stunning ignorance of history, as well as an inability to think critically.  After all, it was the belief that God created an ordered universe operating according to natural laws that helped give birth to modern science in the West in the first place. Continue reading

Finally Burying the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife

Jesus with his lovely wife?

Jesus with his lovely wife?

This article is about a topic that barely deserves to be addressed (but unfortunately needs to be):  The so-called Gospel of Jesus’ Wife.  For years, some anti-Christian conspiracy theorists have pushed the idea that Jesus was married, that the canonical gospels tell a fabricated story, and that the “truth” can be found in various “lost” gospels (such as the Gnostic “gospels”).  Well, let’s explore the real truth. Continue reading

The War That Wasn’t

Science and ReligionMany skeptics love to talk about the “war” between Science and Christianity.  They characterize Christianity as one of the great evils of the world perpetrating ignorance and superstition while Science is in the noble and relentless pursuit of truth at all costs.  Of course, because of Christianity’s vast reach and power, it has persecuted and suppressed Science in an ultimately fruitless attempt to hide its own fallacies.  At least that’s how the story goes. Continue reading

Newsweek Blows It

Jesus Wept by Jerry WorsterWhy is it that every year around Christmas and Easter, popular media outlets tend to run articles that are clearly designed to discredit and undermine the Christian faith?  I am all for challenging one’s beliefs, digging out the facts, and learning the truth about how and why one’s faith is what it is.  However, I am totally opposed to using outright lies and misinformation in the process. Continue reading