
Craig Dunkley

Craig Dunkley slogging through a very muddy section of the Allegheny National Forest in PA (2014)

Craig Dunkley

Founder, Editor, and Contributor

Craig Dunkley is a marketing executive for a leading management consulting firm.  In his spare time, he enjoys being with his family, hiking and backpacking in remote locations around the country, serving as a volunteer firefighter, fitness and weight training, classic cars, and reading about ancient history.  He is a lay member of the United Methodist Church who has always considered himself “a lousy evangelist.”  He started Logic & Light as a way to more effectively share Christianity with others.


Scott Dunkley


Scott Dunkley is a marketing executive for a major consumer products company. He enjoys spending time with his family, as well as fitness, hiking, and backpacking. He is also a 1st-degree black belt in Judo and was a nationally-ranked competitor before retiring from competition in 2008.  Craig asked him to join Logic & Light as a contributor because of his strong knowledge of Christian history and doctrine.

Craig Dunkley, Scott Dunkley

Scott Dunkley (left) and Craig Dunkley on the Appalachian Trail in NC (2013)