There are countless attacks critics use to try and discredit Christianity. Logic & Light has addressed dozens of them and will continue to do so. However, it is also important to realize that many, if not most, of the critics’ attacks actually do nothing to jeopardize the truth of Christianity. This fact is because the foundation of Christianity is surprisingly simple and is ultimately based on three central truths. We must remember that regardless of whatever a critic may say, if these three points are correct, Christianity stands as an unassailable certainty. What are these three truths?
Truth #1: God exists
Based on the cumulative evidence of the Cosmological, Teleological, Anthropological, Covenantal, and Biblical arguments (among others), it is an inescapable fact that God exists. It is important to note that the scientific, philosophical, and historical evidences all point toward God. When we further consider the near universal and innate desire humans have to seek after God (which even Richard Dawkins admits1), one must accept that His reality cannot be simply dismissed as myth.
Truth #2: Jesus Rose from the Dead
If Jesus was actually crucified, executed, buried, and rose from the grave, Christianity is undoubtedly true. As Logic & Light has covered in the Biblical and Historical arguments and elsewhere, the evidence strongly argues in favor of His actual resurrection as the most plausible explanation for all available facts.
The Biblical argument demonstrates the reliability of the biblical texts, which clearly endorse Christ’s resurrection. Furthermore, dozens of biblical prophecies regarding Jesus, including those of His death and resurrection, were made centuries beforehand and add tremendous credibility to the fact that He actually rose from the grave.
The Historical argument further validates, using widely accepted historical practices, that a literal resurrection is the only explanation consistent with the evidence. The New Testament provides multiple, independent, eyewitness corroboration of the risen Jesus. The lives, ministries, and deaths of the apostles demonstrate their strong and genuine belief in the resurrection. The conversions of Paul and James do the same.
Critics often disregard the biblical testimony because they believe it is inherently biased. They say something similar to “of course, the New Testament supports the resurrection because it was written by Christians! But if someone could produce writings from a non-Christian that supported the resurrection, then I might take it seriously.”
However, there is one glaring problem with the critics’ demand for non-Christian testimony. They have set a standard of evidence that is logically impossible to attain. Why? Because once someone testifies to the truth of the resurrection, they are no longer a non-Christian2! By definition, this standard cannot be met and the unbeliever is “justified” in rejecting the testimony of any number of “biased” eyewitnesses that Christianity provides.
However, it is interesting to note that while the standard unbelievers have set is logically impossible, Christianity still comes surprisingly close to meeting it. The Historical argument includes a host of non-Christian testimonies that verify Jesus was believed to have been the divine Messiah, performed unexplainable feats, and was crucified and supposedly resurrected. In other words, non-Christian sources do corroborate much of what Christians claim about Jesus!
Unbelievers also object to Truth #2 by simply saying “The resurrection is false because dead people don’t come back to life. Miracles don’t happen.” In most cases, they are correct. Dead people do in fact stay dead. But that’s also kind of the point. Jesus’ resurrection was supposed to be unusual. It was supposed to be a demonstrable miracle. And since we have already established the fact that God exists, miracles are clearly possible. That doesn’t mean they are common. But they are possible.
Truth #3: I Am a Sinner
The third truth is uncomfortable to admit, but no less true. I am undoubtedly a sinner. I regularly fail to uphold even my own standards, let alone those of a holy God. But before I swallow too much humble pie, let me be clear about one other thing. You are a sinner too! We all are. This fact is arguably the least debatable one on the list.
Why is this fact important to the truth of Christianity? Because if we aren’t sinners, we have no need of a Savior. But we are, so we do. And in Jesus Christ, God provided a means for sinners to be reconciled to Himself.
These three facts are important to keep in mind as Christianity is attacked every day. Unbelievers have tough questions. You will encounter objections that make you think “Hmmm, I don’t know how to answer that.” When this happens, keep these three truths in mind. Because no matter what objection is raised, if these three things are true, and they are, then so is Christianity.
Once you realize this fact, you can keep calm and begin researching the issue at hand. Answers are out there. But even if you don’t find the answer you want to a particular question, you can still maintain faith. Because regardless of why bad things happen to good people, what happens to those who never hear about Jesus, or how old the earth is, etc., if God exists, Jesus rose from the dead, and you are a sinner, Christianity is true. Period.
- Dawkins, Dr. Richard. The God Delusion. New York, NY: New Mariner Books 2008. 194
- McGrew, Dr. Tim. Southern Evangelical Seminary National Conference on Christian Apologetics. Matthews, NC. October, 2017.